Friday, February 21, 2020


 I'm more than excited to be announcing my final project: I will be creating a documentary with Hannah Lassner. We were deciding between a music video or a documentary, but we decided that a documentary has more potential. We are starting to decide upon what we want to have our documentary revolve around, yet have not made a final decision yet. The first idea we had was a documentary on adolescents who coach recreational sports, but we did not officially decide on that. What we both agreed is on is that we would have indirect interviews in our documentary, and not direct interviews. We believe that this will give our documentary a more clean look.
Some of our other ideas include:

  1. Youth sports coach
  2. Student athlete 
  3. High school students who have jobs 
  4. Addictions
  5. College application process 
  6. Social media usage with teens 
  7. Vaping 
  8. immigrants
  9. Kids raised in single parent households 
  10. Teachers 

Even though we have not decided on a definitive documentary, we think that it may come out from one of these. I will be updating my blog with any new updates regarding our documentary, so stay tuned!

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