Monday, January 13, 2020

Marketing Campaign Reflection

      A couple of weeks ago, my classmates and I were introduced to the idea of a marketing campaign, and were later on given the option to decide on doing one for Wonder Paws or for the Census. As soon as my group and I heard the options, we were instantly hooked with the idea of creating our marketing plan for Wonder Paws. We conducted research with the fact that we looked into everything regarding Wonder Paws, from what was going right to what they could have been doing differently.

     My group members and I decided on the heavy usage of social media, and the implementation of TikTok. We believed that this would be an innovative idea that had a great potential. We met together a couple pf times to perfect our strategies and discuss new ideas. Overall, we believe that we did a very good job and that we raised some very good ideas for Wonder Paws.

     I will use this project as a preparation for the portfolio project. Having a schedule was crucial because If not, we would not have been able to get everything done. And I think that this will be crucial for the upcoming project as I must prepare my time perfectly and not leave things unplanned or for the wrong time. By using my experience with the marketing project, I believe it can help my portfolio project's final success.

Transition Into a New Year

     Welcome back! I just want to say I'm more than excited to be here once again! This year I am taking Aice Media A level, and no longer AS level. I have been furthering my knowledge in the media field and am ready to start my new project. I will keep you all updated on everything along the process, so stay tuned for more to come!