Friday, March 13, 2020

FIRST Interview!

Hannah and I were talking in class about the people we'd like to interview, and that list included people in their later 20s and up. I messaged a lot of Tiktokers in that age range in the hopes that some of them would answer, and one answered! The only negative thing is that the person responded as a message, and has not sent us the video yet, but he said he would soon. Here is what he sent us in reply to our questions.

"Why did you download tik tok in the first place? Because I saw PewDiePie make videos about it

If you had to guess, how many hours a day do you spend on TikTok?
I think I average 2

Do you post anything on TikTok, if so, why?
I do and because I feel I bring value to a lot of people in the running community

How many times do you check tik tok a day?
Too often

Does your “for you page” relate to your personality? How
I tend to get a lot of stupid 'vine energy' type videos and people doing tricks which is pretty me

Do you follow users that you are interested in? And if so do you regularly check on their profiles?
Yes and I don't regularly check their profiles

Would you call yourself addicted to this app?

Hopefully he'll send us the video soon and then we can see from there!

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