Wednesday, December 5, 2018


     My project will revolve around a veteran who suffers from PTSD. This is a real problem that hundreds of thousands of people live through. The project will focus on a soldier who, once he's arrived home, suffers from a very serious from of PTSD. The problem will be represented with frequent flashbacks and heavy sounds, which sound like a war-type environment. One film that uses a flashback to further tell a story is Ratatouille.   The film uses these flashbacks to tell a story and to further explain a point. They give scenes more of a representation in the film, this is what we are aiming to do.

   Throughout the film Forrest Gump, a flashback of better times is shown of Forrest regarding a pair of shows. Even though the flashback was conveyed differently, this is what we are aiming to do. We want to have the character feel a strong connection to the appearing image. Flashbacks are usually used to provide the viewers with prior information not showed or talked about during the film.

   These representation characteristics, even though make sense, are not quite what I believe they should be used for. I believe that the flashbacks, even though should help grow the plot, should reminisce a negative or dramatic part of the characters occurrences. By giving them a negative connotation, you are helping grow the plot of the story. I would retain the use of often and quick flashbacks, however, I would make them about a negative moment in the characters life. I believe this would help grow the story and all in all help grow the plot of the film.

Horror Genre

    Genre: Horror

Genre Convention:
      The horror genre is meant to bring a sense of fear and terror to the minds of the audience. Usually, the target audience of these films is teenagers, as they have more of an ability of relating to the films. Watching horror movies gives viewers a sense of suspense and worry, which in turn makes theses movies fun and exciting. Most horror films incorporate paranormal activity, monsters, or at least some sort of evil. Directors seek to make these films as realistic so possible. Doing so gives the viewers a greater scare as they may see the film as something that has a potential of occurring.

 Genre Conventions-Content:
   Many different techniques can be utilized in these films. All the techniques have a purpose of creating fear and discomfort in the minds of the audience. Shadows are heavily used during horror films. The shadows create a sense of  urgency and mystery. Another key aspect to these films is the use of dark colors. These dark colors create a sinister and evil feeling. While using shadows, directors have a chance of showing the evil side of things. The shadows work to show that there is two sides to everything. Colors are a main key point to films in this genre. The main colors used are black and red. Red tends to stand for blood and danger, while black can signal evil or death.

Genre Conventions-Production Techniques:
   A key technique used in almost every horror film is the jump scare. This technique is crucial to the films. It makes vieweras jump off their seats in horror. It attaches them more to the film as they are so caprtured by what is going on and occurring. Another key factor is what the antagonists in the films look like. To further explain, if the, let’s say monster, of the film does not look realistic, then it won't serve its purpose in the film. Characters must be designed very carefully and accurately, in order to bring more fear to the viewers. One of the most important aspects to a horror film, however, is sound. Sound and soundtrack is absolutely crucial to the film. Sounds must sound realistic to the event, hence causing more fear in the eyes of the viewers.

Sample #1:
   “The Nun” is a perfect example that embodies these characteristics and becomes a great film. Colors are crucial to this film. For example, dark colors and shadows are frequently brought into the film. Whenever there is an outside scene in the film, shadows are clearly visible. A couple of jump scares occur throughout the film. These jump scare frighten the audience but, in a way, attach the viewers to the film even more. The antagonist is shown in two different ways during the film. At times, she is wearing all black, however, a slight of white is at times shown. When she is in all black, she is mean and evil. On the other hand, she is a tad bit nicer when the white is visible. The director used colors to show and create more meaning throughout the film.

Sample #2:
 The film “It” is another great example of a typical horror genre film. The clown in the film is shown with amazing makeup. The clown looks incredibly realistic and scary and this helps improve the film in many ways. Jump dares are of course crucial to the film. Most of the jump scares in the film occur in a dark scene. This helps in many ways. It is already scary and mysterious as everything is dark, but the jump scares help to further bring in the viewers. Real light is utilized when the film is outside. This helps create as sense of reality and relatibilty.

Other examples:



The Ring:


A Tale Of Two Sisters:

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Genre: Comedy

Genre Conventions-Content: The comedic movie genre is a very simple and right-to-the-point movie genre. It conveys happiness and attempts to be relatable to its audience. For example, if the audience see something they can relate with and fully understand, it will have a more positive impact. These films usually last between 90 and 100 minutes. The directors focus on being relatable with their scenes and hope to get their viewers involved with the scenes.

Genre Conventions-Production Techniques: A very common form of displaying comedy in production is with the use of different camera shots and angles. For example, when a camera is moving closer to the center product of the scene, it's almost always a comedy film. Another example is when cameras are staying still during a scene. The main actor or character of the scene may get off the camera angle, but the camera will stay in place, this allows viewers to understand the comedic sense to things.

Institutional Conventions-Marketing: For marketing purposes, being relatable is once again brought back. As comedy films advertise, they seek to show scenes that their audience can relate to and easily understand. This brings much more success to the films. People watch the films because they saw one short scene and immediately found it funny.

Sample #1:

 This scene involves the production technique previously talked about. The main actor is showed peeking up out of sight. This and his response gave the film a comedic connotation. When the camera was left still, it gave the film a sort of pause, this pause allowed the audience to comprehend what was going on and this helps make the movie even more comedic.

Sample #2:

 These scene uses a zoom to show comedy. Even though action films may use this shot differently, this film used it in a joking way. They used the zoom to show that the film is just that, a comedy film.

Comedy films that engage with their audience:

  • Hot Fuzz
  • Airplane
  • Superbad
  • Dumb and Dumber
  • 21 Jump Street

Welcome to my blog! For those that do not know me, my name is Dio Mezzadra. This blog was created in order to explain how characteristics in comedic films engage with their audience. Tune in to my further posts to learn more!